
Showing posts from August, 2022

4Ps of marketing

This post is based on 4ps of the market, will be introduced the concepts and definitions of 4ps, analyze each one of them, and conclude how they can be relevant to the development of the E-commerce website., 2022 According to (Coursera, 2022) the 4ps was formally introduced in 1960 by E. Jerome McCarthy, 4ps is the concept of market or mix, commonly identified as the pillars of marketing composed of four elements. The product, the price, the location, and the promotion., 2022 The Product Since the website is built on the quality and exclusivity of the items, the primary marketing for my e-commerce website project is the product itself. The fact that we have some items that are exclusive to our stores and are no longer offered by any other retailer is a significant benefit since it will raise the product's value and draw customers from the target market, another fact is that the page success can increase due to the quality and exclusive products. Having access ...

Contact Page Development

The first step to take before editing the page is to visit different E-commerce websites to get an idea of where to start or how to organize the information on the page. After that create a new page, and add it to the navigation bar, Second step is to enter the page, start the edition, add a title to the page, editing the colour as well as the size. Finally, add information about the store also the contact form. The idea for the contact page is to make the page more friendly and reliable for users, firstly, visitors will have the opportunity to see where our headquarters is located behind the Google map. The idea is to make visitors feel more confident when visiting our page Information such as contact information, email, address, contact form and other information will be added at the bottom of the page, the idea is to allow the user to easily contact the website managers from any page that is, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and access the necessary information. Referenc...

Brand Stories of 2 website E-commerce

This post is about the story of 2 e-commerce websites similar to my website project, moreover, the post will be adding information on how the brand was created, the year of creation, as well as purpose. (, 2022) According to the website, OFFSPRING was launched in 1996 to serve that generation who were lovers of sneakers in more personalized stores. Twenty-25 years later, OFFSPRING is still working towards sneaker culture at its headquarters in Selfridges HQ and involving community centres.  To promote the sneaker culture to its community, Offspring works to guarantee an authentic link between its community and the main brands. In addition, the store always seeks to update the way products are collected, such as sneaker raffles and vibrant conversation on the @OFFSPRINGHQ Instagram channel. OFFSPRING seeks to ensure that the OFFSPRING community is aware of its projects and contributes to improving the brand  (.offspring, 2022) (, 2022) Currently, this w...

Alt Tags and Title Tags

The title is considered as a name or form of identification of books, chapters, texts, people, etc. Moreover, it is one of the main references when we do some research on the internet, library, or when we search for people. Following the same idea, the alt tag is an attribute of the HTML, this attribute allows the application of descriptions, texts, or titles in images during the development of the webpage (BigCommerce, 2022). (Nelson, 2022) Why Title Tags is Important? Adding images to the pages is essential in the development of the web page, unfortunately, search engines are not able to interpret the image, on the other hand, the image allows users to interpret the page, however, the image ATL Title allows adding a title or description that can be read by searches engine while crawling the page, Consequently, this action helps in hacking the page as well as promoting SEO (GÜBÜR, 2022). (Anderson, 2022) References: GÜBÜR, 2022. Image Title vs Image Alt Tag: Image Titles for SEO. [onl...

Website research

This post will have 5 example e-commerce websites similar to my project idea, including models and target markets. Air Jordan Similar to my idea for the website project, this website is aimed at young teenagers and adults, the website seems to be easy to navigate and well structured. Kick game Kick game is a website not only dedicated to selling Jordan brand sneakers but the idea is the same, it's a friendly website, and with interactive content in the stocks. OFFSPRING This website appears to have high-quality products, targeting young people and adults, the website has a sneaker stock of brands such as Nike Jordan, New Balance, Comme the Garçons, And Converse, in addition to sneakers they are also responsible for selling clothes belonging to the same brands. Size Size is one of the biggest sneaker retailers currently on the market, compared to the other website on the list, size appears to have a lot of similarities with Nike's official stores, sizes target young and adult au...


This post is about the wireframe, some drawings and a graphic illustration of the website project will be presented based on   1-Navigation Bar 2-Background photo introducing the products 3-Background photo with a welcome message  4-More pictures of products 5-products available 6-Content information

Essensial features of an E-commerce website

Some features are essential in the development of a web page, these features can make the page more friendly and accessible to page users. There are several types of features but this post will list 7 main E_commerce features. User friendly can be characterized as instructions that web page developers add to the page making the page more efficient and friendly for any user, Take as an example, creating a simple, straightforward, high-quality homepage, Including a search bar, clearly listing category pages in the navigation bar and creating a responsive website (Nexcess, 2022). (Bestblog, 2022) Currently, more than half of online purchases are made through Mobile, this forces the website developers to include mobile optimization in the development of the page, allowing the page to be automatically resized when on mobile. (Penji, 2022) Providing different forms of payment online is also very important in the development of the page, it can give more credibility to the page, allowing the ...

Meta tags

Meta tags can be considered notes, codes, or a small instruction between 145 to 160 words, processed on the website through HTML, giving search engines information on how search results should appear. Meta tags are very important in the development of a website, the notes introduced through HTML are presented below the title, in this way the page can be easily hacked. (Definitions and Hope, 2022). There are several types of meta tags for different types of notes, the photo below is a list of four of the most important meta tags used in SEO promotion. Meta title can be considered one of the most important meta tags, it directly contributes to the easy hacking of the page, and is also considered one of the ways to promote SEO. However, the non-participation of the meta title in the development of the page would make some searches inefficient. (Crawlm, 2022) Meta robot tags can be defined as parts of HTML code placed in <head> </head> sections, typically used to manage how sea...