Alt Tags and Title Tags
The title is considered as a name or form of identification of books, chapters, texts, people, etc. Moreover, it is one of the main references when we do some research on the internet, library, or when we search for people. Following the same idea, the alt tag is an attribute of the HTML, this attribute allows the application of descriptions, texts, or titles in images during the development of the webpage (BigCommerce, 2022).
(Nelson, 2022)
Why Title Tags is Important?
Adding images to the pages is essential in the development of the web page, unfortunately, search engines are not able to interpret the image, on the other hand, the image allows users to interpret the page, however, the image ATL Title allows adding a title or description that can be read by searches engine while crawling the page, Consequently, this action helps in hacking the page as well as promoting SEO (GÜBÜR, 2022).
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