Entity-Relationship Diagram

What is Entity-Relationship Diagram?

Entity Relationship Diagrams, or ERDs, are diagrams that illustrate the connections between entity sets that are maintained in databases. In other words, entity relationship diagrams assist in describing the logical organisation of databases. The entities, attributes, and relationships are the foundational concepts around which ERD are built (Guru99, 2022).
(Guru99, 2022).

Entity-relationship diagrams, often known as ER diagrams, are used to illustrate the connections made between the objects or entities in a system. This style of flowchart also referred to as the entity-relationship model, is utilised in many different industries (Moqups.com, 2022). The link between two entities or entity sets is defined by the cardinalities, which specify its numerical characteristics

(Opinaldo, 2022)


Guru99, 2022. Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram Model with DBMS Example. [online] Guru99. Available at: <https://www.guru99.com/er-diagram-tutorial-dbms.html> [Accessed 9 September 2022].

Moqups.com, 2022. ERD Templates | ER Diagram Examples | Moqups. [online] Moqups.com. Available at: <https://moqups.com/templates/diagrams-flowcharts/erd/> [Accessed 9 September 2022].

Opinaldo, 2022. Entity Relationship Diagram Examples Online Free to Download. [online] Gitmind.com. Available at: <https://gitmind.com/erd-examples.html> [Accessed 9 September 2022].


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