What is Database?
A database is a collection of data that has been organised for quick access, administration, and updating. Data records or files containing information, including as sales transactions, customer details, credit card data, and product details, are often aggregated and stored in computer databases, (TechTarget, 2022).
Databases can be used to store, manage, and access different kinds of information, usually, businesses use Data Base to, Improve business processes, keep track of customers, have fast access to customer information, and store personal data.
What are the primary key and foreign keys?
A relational database primary key, often known as the primary keyword, is a key that is specific to each entry. It is a special identification number, like a drives licence number, mobile number with area code, or vehicle identification number. A primary key for a relational database must always be unique. In relational database tables, primary keys often take the form of columns (TechTarget, 2022).
The term "foreign key" refers to a column or columns of information in one table that links to the primary key data in the original in other words it makes a connection between the two tables by referencing the main key of another table (Techopedia, 2022).
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(EDUCBA, 2022) |
techtarget, 2022. What is a Database? Definition from SearchDataManagement. [online] SearchDataManagement. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2022].
EDUCBA, 2022. Oracle FOREIGN Key | A Complete Guide on Oracle FOREIGN Key. [online] EDUCBA. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2022].
fasterbullets, 2022. 7 Advantages of Database Management System (DBMS). [online] Faster Bullets Articles. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2022]., 2022. What is a Foreign Key? - Definition from Techopedia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2022].
EDUCBA, 2022. Oracle FOREIGN Key | A Complete Guide on Oracle FOREIGN Key. [online] EDUCBA. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2022].
fasterbullets, 2022. 7 Advantages of Database Management System (DBMS). [online] Faster Bullets Articles. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2022]., 2022. What is a Foreign Key? - Definition from Techopedia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2022].
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