
This post is based on definitions of some of the powerful software used in website development such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, python, Ruby Jquery.

What is HTML?
HTML or Hypertext Markup Language, is a programming language used in the development of a web page, commonly used in the insertion of content such as images and videos, through hypertexts moreover HTML defines how content should be displayed on devices with the format in which we interact.

(Business Insider, 2022)

What is CSS?
Basically CSSS (Cascading Style Sheet) and HTML have the same function in the development of a web page, usually used to define or describe the presentation of the page, in other words CSS works with front end being able to changing elements such as text color, font and block spacing, as well as the entire aesthetic aspect of a page

(Linuxhint., 2022)

What is Javascript?
JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is used for web development, doing dynamics things also used to control some action commands on the web page.
The action such as click-to-show dropdown menu, extra content added to a page, and dynamically changing element colors on a page, to name a few features, are allowed due to the existence of javascript on that page (, 2022).

(Medium, 2022)

What is Python?
Python is one of the most powerful and popular computer programs currently, present almost everywhere python is used in the Software testing and prototyping, Data analysis and machine learning, Web development, Automation or scripting and Everyday tasks, In addition, python is present in the creation of many web pages, and social media such as Netflix Instagram as well as Google among others (Coursera, 2022).

(Coding Dojo Blog, 2022)

What is Ruby?
Same as Python, Ruby Ruby is a highly popular programming language that is used for many things, such as building desktop applications, static websites, data processing services, and even automation tools, also Ruby is known for being efficient in application development, with clear and easy-to-understand code (Ellis and Team, 2022).

(, 2022)

What is Jquary?
Unlike Javascript or Ruby, Jquary is not a programing language. According to my research, JQ is one of most popular and dynamic javascript library, was created with the idea of ​​writing less and do more, their purpose is to facilitate the work of developers who use JavaScript for website development (, 2022).

(Mazur, 2022)


Business Insider, 2022. What is HTML? What you should know about the most popular markup language on the internet. [online] Business Insider. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 July 2022].

Linuxhint., 2022. What is CSS. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 July 2022].

Coursera, 2022. [online] Coursera. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 July 2022]., 2022. Difference Between JavaScript And jQuery. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2022].

Ellis, F. and Team, A., 2022. What is the Ruby programming language?. [online] A Cloud Guru. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 July 2022]., 2022. HTML & CSS - W3C. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 July 2022].


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